In a video that has gone viral overnight, a Georgian-hunter by the name of Casey Sanders has come across a straggling TomorrowWorld party-goer wandering naked and dazed on his property.

The surprised hunter has filmed the occurrence on a mobile camera and is heard to approach and quiz the naked trespasser. The lone figure is believed to be a leftover from the electronic festival which ended four days before the incident.

Sanders is shown to carefully approach the figure, who is crouching in a creek, and asked the man if he is alone. It¡¯s clear from the trespasser¡¯s responses he is not completely lucid during the exchange. ¡°I¡¯m going to the edge of town, I will sit down as fast as I can!¡± says the perplexed nomad.

Casey continues to question the man¡¯s appearance, who quips that he ¡°had a head injury a couple days ago¡± and that he ¡°isn¡¯t sure he¡¯s in Georgia anymore¡±. The man claims to have been taken into the woods by three men who ¡°beat the crap out of him¡±; but Sanders just isn¡¯t buying it.

YouTube commenters have accused Sanders of being overly aggressive to the stranger and not offering him enough aid.

¡°Sorry I wasn¡¯t so trusting to a random stranger naked in a creek in the middle of the woods who couldn¡¯t differ a dream for reality. I didn¡¯t exactly have a script in my head of ¡®This is what I¡¯ll do when I find a naked man in a creek,¡± was Sanders online response.

The hunter has since claimed he took a number from the man, and called a friend to come and collect him. The video now has more than 1,200,000 hits and is proving to cause quite a stir online.